Signs of personality disorder

What Are the Signs of a Personality Disorder?

Personality disorders are classified in three types of behaviors: eccentric behavior, dramatic or erratic behavior, and anxious or fearful behavior. Displaying atypical behaviors can be a sign of a disorder, but professional evaluation will offer a more accurate diagnosis.

Emotional Symptoms of Personality Disorders

The emotional symptoms of personality disorders vary between disorders and express themselves to varying degrees with each person, according to the Mayo Clinic. For example, people with avoidant personality disorder have an extreme aversion of conflict, allowing others to take advantage of them. Other symptoms can include poor impulse control and a propensity for substance abuse.

Physical Symptoms of Personality Disorders

Personality disorders affect the mind, but they can drive people to neglect their physical health as well. Someone affected by schizophrenia or a similar condition, for example, may neglect personal hygiene or suffer from insomnia due to fearful thoughts, while a person who is obsessive-compulsive may have raw skin from excessive washing. Because a personality disorder is difficult to diagnose by someone who lacks the necessary medical background, a detailed psychiatric evaluation is usually required.

Short-Term and Long-Term Effects of a Personality Disorder

Personality disorders have several effects on the psyche over time, both in the short- and long-term. They include, but are not limited to, the following:
  • Difficulty in relationships
  • Increased withdrawal from socialization
  • Mood swings
  • Depression
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Attempted suicide
  • Decline in physical health due to lack of care
                                    Image result for symptoms of personality disorder

  • from: on 15 march 2018


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